27 February 2006

Diffusion Tensor Imaging

I'm doing a paper on Diffusion Tensor Imaging and the pathology of auditory hallucination in Schizophrenia (as well as a paper on the evolution of cognitive enhancement atypical anti-psychotics for Schizophrenic treatment, but that's something else altogether). I thought you might enjoy some of these excerpts from the research I'm combing through. (Recall the recent definition of screed...)

"...These connections can be catagorized in three principal classes -namely, associational, commissural, and projectional. Intrahemispheric associational corticocortical connectivity in particular is accomplished in general by short U fibers that constitute the local circuitry within a gyrus..."

"... This dephasing produces signal attenuation, which is related to the magnitude of diffusivity of the water along the direction and magnitude of the applied gradient in an exponential fashion. For anisotropic guassian diffusion, the SA is proportionate to e^ [-(H gyromagnetic ratio)^2(gradient duration)^2(gradient spacing - duration/3)(gradient amplitude)(diffusion coefficient)]...."

"...In contrast to more widespread echo planar method, this technique is less sensitive to suceptibility-related distortions and, as with single-shot echo planar imaging, it is fairly motion insensitive...in particular, after an eddy-current correction of the DTIs, which is based on cross-correlation with T2 weighted images. In the in line scan technique, patient motion does not lead to ringing artifacts in phase direction..."

Too bad babelfish doesn't translate for this kind of stuff :) Bonus points for any of you smarty-pants out there who recognised that the second excerpt was related to a mathmatical model for extrapolating diffusion gradients using matrix algebra and eigenvectors (thank god I took diff eq).

And with that, I think I'll leave the library. Word.

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