31 October 2007

A month of travel

Someone emailed to remind me I haven't posted in a month. True. And I have no excuse because my hotels had internet access. I was in Pittsburgh, Boston, and Atlanta to interview at medical schools and in Vegas to, well, blow off some steam.

For those of you keeping score, I have 9 interview invites, 2 rejections, and 12 haven't-heard-yets.

Tomorrow I have my neuroanatomy midterm (yikes) for which I am incredibly unprepared. This is partially due to travel and work and partially due to my going to Vegas instead of studying.

Vegas was phenomenal. I gambled (and won - Pai Gow!), first with someone else's money (what better way to learn) and then with my own. I ate (a lot), I sunned by the pools (tan = no, bikini debut = yes), I watched sports and drank beer in the sports book (go Steelers go Rockies), and I went clubbing (VIP, skybox: balcony over the dance floor = awesome). I took a red eye back, went straight to work and ended up in bed by 8:30pm (totally exhausted) for a nice 11.5 hour snooze. Four days of fantastic.

Flash back to now... sore arm from a flu shot, totally unprepared for a midterm, pre-lab to write and more travel to come. Oh, and I'm cold (not a surprise).

The next two weeks: Nov 5-6 Boston, Nov 7 NYC, Nov 12-13 Cleveland, Nov 15-16 Ann Arbour

If I get in somewhere (two letters potentially on their way) - you bet your cute little butt I'm gonna post.

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